Thursday, 31 January 2013

No 10 in January

Last year we succeeded in stripping most of the overgrown ivy and honeysuckle off the back wall, but didn't have time to do any work on the rotting built-in garden furniture.

Progress on the garden is hampered by the continuing presence of the tile cutter and pieces of floor tile, which will not be removed until we have finished the floors indoors.

We removed the lowest pond - which was subsiding - a few years ago but haven't yet worked out what its replacement will be. Meanwhile, the former middle pond is now in danger of collapsing as the west wall is bulging...

The former dustbin park which we replaced with a planter

In the autumn we removed the plant bed dividers - they were wooden and had rotted badly; also, persistent roots had grown underneath them and could not be removed with the boards in place. Replacements haven't yet been decided on.

I did manage to get the badly overgrown hedge cut right back last year, but wait to see if it will thicken up in future - will need regular trimming anyway.
The back garden from the upstairs window

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