Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Replacing the citrus

In the late autumn there was a leak in our water supply in the back garden, so I turned it off completely until we could repair the problem. I imagined this wouldn't be serious for the garden as the winter weather was due. Unfortunately, though, it didn't rain for weeks, and the plants in pots dried out completely. Most will recover, but the lemon and kumquat trees showed no signs of hope. I therefore decided to replace both with new plants (having got the automatic watering working again). A visit to my favourite garden centre in Spain (Vivers i Garden Moner at L'Escala) provided two healthy looking specimens, the kumquat being already laden with fruit (marmalade pan calling!) and the lemon looking nice and healthy - and a lot less prickly than its predecessor.

I'd already prepared the pot for the kumquat, so that is now in its new home. Wind and weather permitting, the lemon will also shortly be potted on.

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